Teens e il sociale
EN | Scholastic Sistema – Education in Kenya
Kenya my country is better known for scenic landscapes, vast wildlife preserves, a rich African culture, not forgetting our ever shining athletes on the global scenes of various athletic competitions. However, today am writing this piece to talk about the general academic situation, share an experience and citizenship. Every day to day activity or situation […] More
in Home_Box_3, Libri
EN | Publication of the book “The family in sub-saharan Africa and Madagascar”
An overview on thirty years of inculturation promoted by the Focolare Movement. More
in Mozi, Home_Box_4
HU | Egy zuhanó társadalomról – Nyomorultak (2019) filmajánló
Ricordati di inserire un breve riassunto dell’articolo. More
in Mozi, Home_Box_5
HU | Ruha teszi a papot? – A Corpus Christi című filmről
Ricordati di inserire un breve riassunto dell’articolo. More
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